Wednesday, July 29, 2009

gRaMmaR pEeVE's

I hate it when people mix up you’re and your. And when they put apostrophe’s where they (do not) don’t belong. (see the deliberate error? no? head back to sixth grade).

If something is plural, add an “s” or “es”. The apostrophes (are not) aren’t necessary people! They are (they’re) there for a reason: to help speech flow more smoothly. I also find it immensely irritating and juvenile when people over the age of eighteen tYpe LIkE tHis. It takes more time, people, and (it is) it’s just stupid, really.

Sure, I do not (don’t) have the greatest grammar in the history of life, but our cohort, college-aged individuals, should do better. After all, (we are) we’re the future leaders of the world. We scribe sentences everyday for social networking, classes, blogging, etc., so we get loads of practice.

No, I am (I’m) not a linguist, nor am I on a crusade to preserve the English language. I just feel language was created so we could communicate and lie to each other, and how better to mess that up with bad grammar. Sure, I could post “the pros and cons of lying” but (I will) I’ll leave that for some other time. For now, (let us) let’s not destroy the universe. Thanks.


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