I hate when women get angry at you just to see how you’re gonna react. Over my illustrious career of women-chasing, I’ve noticed some women just try their best to give their man (men) what I would characterize as bitch tests.
No, this is not bitch in the sense of a female dog or a female, even. This is bitch as in pussy, if you will. Anyway, such examinations usually occur when the woman (some women get mad when I call them females, or women for that matter—I think ladies is the middle ground) feels insecure about herself and/ or her man and/ or the relationship as a whole.
Exhibit A: a woman and I got into a WWF (Mean Girls)-style shouting match. What the argument was about is irrelevant, but the aftermath is important. After a few days of not talking (daily phone conversations were common before our Wrestlemania fight), my phone rings. “So you don’t care about me anymore?” I didn’t even get a “hello.” She jumped right into it. Such things occur on tests, as the examiner tries to throw you off guard with some questions you didn’t even get to yet. Anyway, I responded plainly that I did, and that I was just annoyed by her at the moment and didn’t feel like talking. “so u just don’t care?” “I do” “no, you don’t” “I DO! LEAVE ME THE EFF ALONE YOU’RE EFFING ANNOYING!”
Now, there’s a difference between caring and giving an eff. Caring includes cognisance that the woman is alive, a genuine interest in her well-being and safety.
Yes, you read the text correctly. I do NOT miss you.
Giving a eff would require the man to acquiesce in a situation like above and say something just to make her smile, like “I’m sorry baby, I’ve just been tremendously stressed out from (work, school, eating babies, etc…)” instead of the reaction in all caps above. As far as tests go, I passed this one with flying colors. She, on the other hand, just couldn’t understand my handwriting.
Haha, yes. Women can be tricky, and sometimes we do throw out tests. But it's mostly necessary. Since you do care, give her the reinforcement she's seeking. It'll only help the situation.
Very entertaining and relevant post. Can't wait for more!
You guys are hilarious and I love that your writing voice pretty much sounds like your real voice!! LOL anyways, I don't like to think that women are constantly giving "tests." She just sounds like she was genuinely upset and that's an authentic reaction. That being said, a better test would've been: not calling you like an OG and waiting to see if you would call and then if you didn't after a week or 2, cutting you off would've been the next step until you apologized.
Is that OD? Oh aight...
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