Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tis the Season

So Christmas has come and gone. It went by quickly too. I remember the days when I'd anticipate Christmas day for what seemed like an eternity. It hasn't been the same since college though.

I feel like the only taste of Christmas anticipation I experience now is maybe the two days before it. The best part of Christmas used to be waiting, just waiting for that day to come.

Maybe it's because I don't expect many gifts nowadays. Yea, that's what it is. But I still do eagerly anticipate the holidays, just a bit differently. I anticipate getting rest, catching up with friends and family (I'm working on all 3 at the moment). I still love it! The house dog keeps me company, my brothers hike (diss, poke fun, if you will), good times. It's always great seeing my grandparents too.

My granddad is fascinated with college life. He gets the PG stories. And it's bowl season!

Most importantly though, I get to do a little detoxing from school and all the stress that comes along with it. It's cool to actually be bored over the holidays, if only for a limited time.


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