Saturday, November 14, 2009

The only music video you will ever need to watch. Ever.

Meet Namata. Born in Cameroon but currently making his living in Denmark, this naturally-gifted singer/choreographer/director is a renaissance man of our generation.

The video of his hit single "Treasure in You" has everything any sane human being could possibly want. You have a relatively simple storyline which fits into the allotted time slot of the song (about 5 minutes here). There are attractive women who wear revealing clothing and oscillate in seductive manners. Finally, there is a female back-up singer who really hits the high notes with a grace which is rare among today's Rihannas, Keri Hilsons, and Justin Biebers. The last minute of the song could even bring Bolo Yeung to tears with its emotion.

As with many videos these days, this one is based on a love story which begins with early moments of disappointment and frustration, but ends with triumph, merth, and...ebullience. But unlike many videos these days, this one has Namata. I can honestly say that I have never been prouder to be a member of the human race than when I am watching Namata express himself through dance. It truly is a sight to behold. And not only is he supremely talented, but he also possesses character traits that everyone would be wise to emulate. The video (which is clearly based exactly on his real life) shows that Namata is a headstrong and confident individual who takes action when it is required. He does not second guess himself nor does he believe in fate. I will even go as far as to compare him to another awe-inspiring individual of our time.

Does this look like the face of a man who takes no for an answer?

Anyway, without further ado, check out the video in question. Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present: "Treasure in You"


Unknown said...

is it just me or does he kinda look like Flava Flave???

Anonymous said...

This is the funniest thing I've ever read.

I must have watched the video about 17 times, it just gets more and more hilarious - I've certainly learnt a lot about interpretive dance by watching him - he has a lot to give to this world.

Unknown said...

I definitely see the resemblance to Flava Flave. But I also see a bit of Chris Bosh in there too.

Crystal Kostopoulos said...

I definitely see the resemblance to Flava Flave. But I also see a bit of Chris Bosh in there too.

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