Thursday, November 19, 2009

Vampire Weekend- Cousins Video

So a couple of years ago, Da Merciless and I had a running joke when we watched MTVu: every band was Vampire Weekend. We always were fascinated by ridiculous band names like Wolfmother, Fuck, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, etc. Anyway, every band was Vampire Weekend. One day, though, we actually watched their video. It might've been A-Punk. It was awesome! After that, Vampire Weekend was Vampire Weekend. Contra drops at the top of next year and what I've heard so far (Horchata, Cousins) sounds like those good ol' bubbly, yet laid back college tunes (go Quakers!). Here's Cousins, the new joint.

How's this for a band name? Bright Noisy Water (Yes, it's random and from a psych class I'm in.)


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